CET Exam 4th February 2023 1st Shift Answer Key, Paper Solutions

Rajasthan CET Exam 4th February 2023 1st Shift Answer Key, Paper Solutions: Rajasthan CET Exam 4th February 2023 1st Shift Answer Key, Paper Solutions will be Provide here along with Live on our:-

Youtube Channel:- https://www.youtube.com/@eShalaOrg with explanations. 

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1. When was tiger Project started in India? 

Answer:-  1st April 1973

2. Name the River flowing through Bikaner District? - None of the river

3. Kwashiokor is usually observed among children in the age range of - 

Answer: <1 Year

66. In the CD-R type of CD, data can be ------ ?

Answer: C. Written Once, Read many times.

69. The purpose of RUN command in the start menu is to ---- ?

Answer: Start Programs

104. Find the Odd one out: ?

A. C++

B. Oracle



Answer: C++ 

Explanation: C++ is Object oriented Programming language while other are some form of DBMS(Data Base Management System) for various functions.

CHECK EXPLANATION AT https://youtu.be/sbAvJ0YCq_M

15. Which of the following converts source program into Object Program?

Answer:- Assembler or Complier.

20. Which of the following is a non-impact printer? 

Answer:- A. Laser Printer

112. In Powerpoint, two kind of sound effect files that can be added to the presentation are -? 

Answer:-    .wav and .mid Files

129. Which program helps the user to view different web sites on the internet?

Answer:- Browser program

Rajasthan CET Exam 2023 Paper, Answer Key of Exam held today, 4th February in 1st Shift. Check full solution in video at eShala Youtube channel:-  https://youtu.be/wW6OLx4a5as


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