Lowest Literacy Rate in Rajasthan District 2011 - Jalore

Lowest Literacy Rate in Rajasthan District as per census 2011 is Jalore with 55.5% while Kota is having highest literacy rate of 77.48% in rajasthan as per census 2011. Literacy rate of Rajasthan as per Census 2011 is 67.06% which is below national average of 74.04 percent. Total 38,970,500 people were found literate in Rajasthan as per 2011 census report. In 2001, Rajasthan had 60.41% literacy rate. In literacy, of total 38,970,500 literate populations, 24,184,782 were male while remaining 14,785,718 forms female. In percentage, male were 80.51 percent literate while female were having 52.66 percent literacy. In 2001, male and female were having literacy rate of 70.32% and 43.85% respectively. Total literate in 2001 census were 27,702,010 of which male and female formed figure of 18,047,157 and 9,654,853 respectively for Rajasthan.
District wise Literacy Rate in Rajasthan


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