Mixture, Compound and Solutions

Mixture (मिश्रण): The mixture is two or more chemicals combined physically and can be separated physically. For Ex: Salad
Compound (यौगिक): The compounds is made up of two or more elements that were combined chemically, and can be separated chemically. For Ex: Mixing salt and water and having it evaporate
Difference between Mixture and Compound:
1. Mixtures are impure substances.
2. They are made up of two or more substances mixed physically.
3. The constituents of a mixture are present in varying ratios.
4. Mixtures do not have fixed properties. Their properties depend on the nature of their compo­nents and the ratios in which they are combined.
5. In mixtures, no new substance is formed. The properties of a mixture are the same as the properties of its constituents.
6. The constituents of a mixture can be separated easily by physical methods.
1. Compounds are pure substances.
2. They are made up of two or more elements combined chemically.
3. The constituents of a compound are present in a fixed ratio.
4. Compounds have fixed properties. For example, a particular compound will have fixed temperatures at which it melts and boils.
5. A compound can have properties different from its constituents, as a new substance is formed when the constituents are chemically combined.
6. The constituents of a compound can be separated only by chemical methods.

SOLUTION: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more components. The dissolving agent is the solvent. The substance which is dissolved is the solute. Based on distinct properties, solutions can be classified into True Solution, Suspension and Colloid.
1. True Solution: True Solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances in which substance dissolved (solute) in solvent has the particle size of less than 10-9 m or 1 nm. Simple solution of sugar in water is an example of true solution.
2. Suspensions: Suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which particle size of one or more components is greater than 1000nm.When mud is dissolved in water and stirred vigorously, particles of mud are distributed evenly in water. After some time, the particles of this solution settle under water due to influence of gravity. This solution is an example of Suspension
3. Colloidal Solution: Colloidal Solution is a heterogeneous mixture in which particle size of substance is intermediate of true solution and suspension i.e. between 1-1000 nm. Smoke from a fire is example of colloidal system in which tiny particles of solid float in air. Just like true solutions, Colloidal particles are small enough and cannot be seen through naked eye.They easily pass through filter paper. But colloidal particles are big enough to be blocked by parchment paper or animal membrane.


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